Washington State Electronic Accident Prevention Program (eAPP)

customize your eapp today

The eAPPvantage

A workplace safety management and risk assessment tool to create a customized Accident Prevention Program online for each workplace located in Washington State.

Peace of Mind

An Accident Prevention Program is required for every workplace in Washington State. Sadly, not having one is on L&I’s top 10 citation list. Gain peace of mind when you use eAPP to develop a program for your workplace to meet safety requirements.

Easy for Multi-Locations

Got multiple locations? No problem! eAPP makes duplicating easy. Use your completed program created for one store and then customize for each location again and again.

Stay Up-to-Date

Your work location hazards change often. So do safety rules. Users receive alerts on relevant new rules or updates.

Simple Process

It is easy to create hazard assessments, manage and print all from one location.
step 1

Create a Free Account

This free tool simplifies the process of creating your required APP.
step 2

Customize Your Business Type

Find the business type with your NAICS number and begin building your accident prevention program.
step 3

Start Your Hazard Assessment

Step through business specific Hazards to build your custom eAPP.
step 4

Generate Your APP Report

When finished, download the APP Report or duplicate for each of your other locations.

Need help with eAPP?

Complete the form below and a Washington Retail Association representative will follow up with your request for assistance.

"*" indicates required fields

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